Subodh Kerkar
Painter, Sculptor, Installation Artist Goa, India

Location: Domestic Arrivals Corridor
Fishermen & The Ocean
Video Installation with two art discs made of re-used boats
Fishermen and the Ocean is a video of a performance, which expresses these ideas and celebrates the ocean as a medium of intercontinental cultural exchange. The artist considers himself an ocean artist and is a former doctor, who ran a hospital near Calangute beach. Since the fishermen were his patients, he could experience their lives from a close angle. He realized that the lives of fishermen are inseparable from the ocean. As a student of history and anthropology, the artist also understands how the ocean is responsible for creating civilizations. “If Goan culture is a sculpture, then the ocean is a sculptor”, says the artist.
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About the Artist
Subodh Kerkar (born 26 August 1959), is a contemporary Indian painter, sculptor and installation artist, and the founder of the Museum of Goa, situated in Pilerne Industrial Estate, Bardez, Goa. Acclaimed for his artworks and installations, Subodh’s work has been displayed in India and abroad, including art exhibitions such as the Sculpture by the Sea: Australia, Denmark in 2011, the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London in 2018 and Busan Biennale Sea Art Festival, Korea to name a few. At present, Subodh is a resident of Pilerne Industrial Estate, in Bardez, Goa.
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